The process of selling more policies than your competitor requires a huge amount of insurance selling experience, luck, and the ability to handle customers. Even though there is no other way than hard work to succeed in the insurance industry, but there are some practical and productive tips that you could use to sell more numbers during this pandemic situation.
This article will take you through some of the most recommended tips for selling insurance policies during this Covid19 affected period.
#1: Embrace the new marketing ways of digital and social media
Well, if you are still following the old-school way, then it’s time to rethink the possibilities. Being a responsible broker, you have to explore the unlimited possibilities of digital and social media marketing.
It’s not because of its scalability that you have to consider these options but the popularity these platforms have gained over the period of time is remarkable. If you invest more in digital platforms, then you will definitely be rewarded with what you desire; that’s the magic of social media and so-called digital platforms.
#2: Focus on retaining existing customers through continuous interactions
You very well know the importance of continuous interactions right?
Nowadays customers are exposed to a large variety of marketing and advertisements via digital platforms. So chances of losing them are very much possible. So if you want to retain them you have to make sure that you offer your availability when they need you and offer them continuous interaction on any insurance policies matters. Thus you can successfully retain your customers and build a healthy customer community.
#3: Make yourself available online for every queries and support
This is not just an extended version of continuous interactions. This is where your professionalism comes into play.
You may have given hundreds of promises at the time of business conversions. Your customer won’t ever forget any of them and they will definitely come to you when they are in need of anything related to the policy that you sold to them.
So it is your responsibility to make yourself available for them for helping them with their queries and other support. As a result of the pandemic situation, you may not able to help them with your physical presence. So you have to make sure you are available online for answering their queries and offering them necessary advice and support.
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#4: Prioritize emotional investments
Building emotional relationships with your customers is much more than necessary. Because of the pandemic situation, you can hardly pay your physical visit and register your support. So the only thing you can do is building emotional bondage with your customers so that they won’t remember you and they call you in times of need.
To accomplish this, you have to listen carefully to what they have to say, try to find a common ground, and take it there. Make sure you spend quality time with your customers and nurture a healthy bond between you and your customer.
#5: Standardize your customer support process
This can be done with the help of an insurance agency management system that helps you to successfully manage your book of business, staff, customer support, and other office administration activities effectively.
When you provide standardized customer support, people tend to feel the premium quality of services that they are receiving. This will automatically help you to build trust between you and your customers. This will help you to grow and succeed in what you do.
#6: Invest in branding your broking service
Branding has always provided a huge impact on your business no matter what you sell. As now people are locked up in their homes, for every choice they make they will look for the best one.
The “BEST” means the ones with has more brand value. It doesn’t matter whether it is a policy or a hand sanitizer. If you possess enough brand value, then people will start buying from you.
So being a foreseeing insurance broker, you have to foresee the brand image of your services and invest more time and money to build a quality brand image in the customer segment.
#7: Standardize your policy management process
The one and the only way to standardize your policy management process is by seeking the support of insurance broker software. It will help you to systematically manage your prospects, categorize and automate your policy management for a successful business outcome.
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#8: Explore work from home possibilities
Work from home is now considered one of the best possible options if you want to continue your business process uninterrupted. But being an insurance broker, who always has to deal with customers, it may not seem a practical way of doing business. But if you could dive deeply into the possible options, with the help of any of the insurance broker management software, it is possible to manage your business tasks effectively and efficiently.
#9: Automate your claims management process
This is the very single point of business where all your promises get tested. Your customer values your commitments. If you could manage their claims experience clean and perfectly, then you have a bunch of prospective customers coming in, maybe as their references or by the way truth is nurtured.
Time plays an important factor in claim processing. Most of the time customers postpone the documentation submission due to the current issue they face. But you have to support your clients to react to their adjusters with any essential paperwork, information, or anything else as swiftly as possible.
If you have an automated claims management process, then it very easy for you to process the incoming claims, cross-check the documentation, and release the claim status.

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#10: Never hesitate to ask for referrals
Referrals are one of the major business aspects that help you to expand your business verticals productively. When it comes to actual client handling, it may feel awkward to ask directly for references. The fact is most insurance professionals are not interested in asking for references. They feel that it is taking them away from their clients. They simply hate asking for referrals.
But if you want to be an expert in this profession, you must nurture the skill of handling the customers in favor of yours and making them offer you new potential references.