Training 7: Reports

In this training, you will go through the reports section in detail. You will get to know about a list of action-oriented reports, review in-built reports, customize downloads, create custom reports etc.


Sibro offers an effective set of reports in the software, that helps you see the status, compare performance, and drive sales.

To explore Client Account, main menu > Reports > Client Accounts.

Here you can see all the CD balances of the customers. A CD balance statement is prepared by Sibro for each client. You can see what happened on different dates between a client and an insurer. It includes payments, refunds, policies & endorsements, and the CD Account Balance.

Here you can search for a client in the search bar, select the corresponding insurer company, etc. Now you can see the CD balance details of that particular client. You will also have the provision to edit the CD balance report details if it seems incorrect at any point.

To explore IRDA Statement, go to Main menu > Reports > IRDA Statement.
Here you will have advanced search and filter options to narrow down your search.

You will also have the provision to select data on clients, insurers, brokerage summaries, claim analyses, etc. You will also have the provision to download every IRDA Statement to your local folder.

To explore Premium Register details, go to Main menu > Reports > Premium Register.

Premium Register is a place where you will be able to premiums received from customers. Here also have a search bar to drill down the information. You will also have the provision to download this report to your local folder. In this way, you can review the premiums received from your clients easily.

To explore Business Statement, go to Main menu > Reports > Business Statement.
This is one of the important statements where you can find your business details. Here also you can use the search bar to drill down the business statement details. You will also have the provision to download this report to your local folder. In this way, you can review the business statement details easily.

You will also have the provision to edit the report templates accordingly to your customized requirements.

For that go to Settings > Templates > Report Download. Here you can see the list of different report templates. Click on Business Statement Report, where you can edit the template settings accordingly.

We have already discussed earlier how to mark a business as lost. So let's see how this lost business report works.

For that, go to Main menu > Reports > Lost Business Report. This is where you will be able to see the lost businesses with their respective reasons. Here also you can use the search bar to drill down the details. You will also have the provision to download this report to your local folder.

For that, go to the main menu > Reports > Login User Report. This is where you will be able to see the software users’ login and logout details. Here also you can use the search bar and apply the filter to drill down the details based on specific dates and times.

This is similar to keeping a documentation register in your office. To do that, click on “+” > Other Documents > Inward. Here you can enter the details of all your incoming documents. SImilary click on “+” > Other Documents > Outward to record the details of all your outgoing documents. After entering the necessary details, click on Save to complete the process. Once you do that you can go to the main menu > Reports > Document IN OUT where you can see the registry with both incoming and outgoing documents details. Here also you can use the search bar and apply the filter to drill down the details based on specific dates and times.

Every activity in relation to the software will be recorded in the Sibro insurance broking software itself. With the help of this report, you can see all the activities engaged by the employee while using the software. To view that, go to the main menu > Reports > Activity Report.

Here you will have a search bar to search and select a particular user. You will also have the provision to download this report to your local folder.

This report is very much similar to the Business Statement. Here you have reports focused on monthly business activities. You can search for monthly wise business details on different stakeholders, insurers, insurer branches, etc. You will also have the provision to download this report to your local folder.

For that go to Settings > Templates > Report Download. Here you can see the list of different report templates. Click on Add Report, enter your new report name, and report category, choose the corresponding columns that you need to have in your report, and now click on Create to create a new customized report.


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